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Polka-Dot Man’s Fate Is Much More Pathetic In The Suicide Squad Comics

2 years ago 525


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The Suicide Squad's Polka-Dot Man is a fan-favorite in the film, but his fans might be shocked to see his abrupt end in the comics.

A key member of The Suicide Squad, the colorful Polka-Dot Man, is beloved by fans of the film - and those fans would likely be furious at his very abrupt end in the comics. Played by actor David Dastmalchian, Polka-Dot Man may be a standout character in the DCEU film, but in the comics, he's a sad joke of a supervillain - even among other supervillains. Unfortunately, Polka-Dot Man would receive no redemption or even happiness in his final adventure.

Abner Krill was just one of many gimmick-based Batman villains of the Silver Age of Comics. Using a multicolored suit that contained a variety of gadgets in each polka-dot, he began a short-lived spree of spot-related crimes (Robin even drew him out using a leopard), and was ultimately defeated when Batman tossed a globe at his feet, causing him to trip. Polka-Dot Man (then calling himself Mister Polka-Dot) only appeared sporadically during the '60s and '70s before eventually turning to alcoholism; aside from appearing in the background of a Batgirl panel (at a bar, no less), he never bothered Batman again.

Seen as a failure by many, Krill's greatest claim to fame was suing a corrupt Gotham City police officer who beat him so badly he was forced into the hospital. Desperate for respect, Krill joined up with General Immortus' army in Final Crisis Aftermath: Run along with other C-list villains like the Human Flame, Sportsmaster, and the Condiment King. While each villain was outfitted with Immortus' advanced technology., it didn't help much. When the Human Flame betrayed the rest of the group and used his fire powers on the Gotham streets, a manhole cover shot up from the ground and fell on Polka-Dot Man's head, killing him instantly. He received no eulogy and left behind no friends or family.

James Gunn pays tribute to this ignominious end in The Suicide Squad, albeit while giving Polka-Dot Man slightly more dignity in death. After Abner is properly motivated by Bloodsport ("It's your mum!"), he unleashes a flurry of polka-dots against Starro the Conquerer, badly hurting the spacefaring starfish. As Polka-Dot Man triumphantly exclaims "I'm a superhero!" while smiling for the first time in the movie, Starro raises an appendage and brutally slams it down on Abner. Of the major characters in Amanda Waller's Task Force X, he's the last to die.

Polka-Dot Man was well-known as one of the lamest and most ridiculous characters in comics. In fact, James Gunn decided to use the character while searching for forgotten and ineffectual C-list villains. But while the much-maligned Abner received redemption before his death and a strong character arc in The Suicide Squad, the same cannot be said of Polka-Dot Man in the comics.

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